Entries by Connie

Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is a magical time. The shortest day and the longest night of the year has been celebrated in cultures the world over for thousands of years.  This year, 2016, it occurs on December 21st at 2:44 a.m. PST in the northern hemisphere of our planet as the Earth’s axis tilts furthest from […]

My Visit with Shirley

I fell asleep last night reading a collection of Shirley Jackson’s recently published short stories and essays.  I woke up this morning, poured a cup of coffee, and went back to reading.  Blissful morning and the coffee helped.  Sans coffee, I might not have taken notice of a few facts about Shirley’s life.  I hope […]

Holiday Reading

The Madness of Mercury is featured today at Cindy’s Notebook.  Read on for an excerpt of this first book in the Zodiac Mysteries!

A Very Independent Woman

Connie’s post about Lillie Hitchcock Coit, a San Francisco character, and Coit Tower is up today at Booklady’s Booknotes.

It’s in the Stars

Connie’s a guest at Shelley’s Bookcase talking about the Zodiac Mysteries and her protagonist, Julia Bonatti, San Francisco astrologer.

Playing with Planets

Connie’s a guest today at Le Coeur de l’Artiste to talk about creating charts for her characters.

Black Cats

Read how Julia Bonatti’s cat came to be at Musings and Ramblings.