Meet Connie
I can still recall the first time I saw an astrological chart. I was completely intrigued. I felt as if I had been granted a peek at a key that could unlock the secrets of the universe. Of course, I had no idea what those mysterious arcane symbols meant, but I knew I wanted to know a whole lot more. The more I learned, the more fascinated I became. An astrological chart, like a good mystery, is a puzzle that begs to be solved.
That’s how Julia Bonatti was born, a woman whose life has taken an unexpected turn, whose clients bring their problems to her doorstep and sometimes lead her into grave danger. I couldn’t imagine a better place for Julia to live than San Francisco, a city with ever changing moods and faces –cold and windy one moment, foggy and haunted the next. San Francisco is a city surrounded by wind-whipped water, filled with hidden alleys and secret stairways, host to many languages and cultures, with a history all its own. Where better for Julia to practice her craft than that sparkling city by the bay?
I hope you’ll join Julia in her adventures and explore her city and her craft in the Zodiac Mysteries.
And if you’re interested in my other stories in the Soup Lover’s Mysteries, written as Connie Archer, just click on the link below.